Professionals Institute of Management And Technology

React Native

Udemy offers numerous React Native courses for beginners to advanced learners. Courses like “The Complete React Native + Hooks Course [2021 Edition]” by Stephen Grider or “React Native – The Practical Guide [2021 Edition]” by Maximilian Schwarzmüller are highly recommended.

    1. JavaScript Fundamentals:

      • Variables, data types, and operators
      • Functions and scope
      • Arrays and objects
      • Control flow (if statements, loops)
      • ES6+ features (arrow functions, destructuring, spread/rest operators)
    2. React Basics:

      • Understanding JSX
      • Components and props
      • State and lifecycle methods
      • Handling events
      • Conditional rendering
    3. React Native Fundamentals:

      • Setting up a React Native environment
      • Components specific to React Native (View, Text, Image, etc.)
      • Styling in React Native (inline styles, StyleSheet API)
      • Navigation (using React Navigation or other libraries)
      • Working with Touchables (TouchableHighlight, TouchableOpacity, TouchableNativeFeedback)
    4. State Management:

      • Using React’s built-in state management
      • Context API for application-wide state
      • Redux for more complex state management
    5. Networking and APIs:

      • Fetching data from APIs using fetch or libraries like Axios
      • Handling asynchronous operations (Promises, async/await)
    6. Native Features:

      • Accessing device features (camera, location, sensors)
      • Using third-party libraries for native functionality (e.g., camera roll, geolocation)
    7. Debugging and Testing:

      • Debugging React Native apps (using Chrome DevTools, React Native Debugger)
      • Unit testing with Jest
      • UI testing with tools like Detox or Appium
    8. Performance Optimization:

      • Identifying performance bottlenecks
      • Lazy loading and code splitting
      • Caching data for offline use
      • Profiling and optimizing render performance
    9. Deployment and Distribution:

      • Building for iOS and Android platforms
      • Publishing apps to the Apple App Store and Google Play Store
      • Continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipelines for automated builds and deployments
    1. Advanced Topics:

      • Animations and gestures
      • Custom native modules and native code integration
      • Internationalization and localization
      • Progressive web app (PWA) support
      • React Native best practices and patterns

    Focus on mastering each topic before moving on to the next. Hands-on practice and building real-world projects are crucial for solidifying your understanding of React Native development.

Flexible options to attend the training programs are available. You may participate in the following manner:

  • On-location (managed by HOP or your Employer)
  • On-line